

 I couldn't remember which page I sent you last time adn didn't want to keep forwading emails so I got this site set up. It's free so don't worry, and you can send the links to your friends or whatever. Maybe we'll go vital.

I left the comments on to see if anybody finds this, what they have to say. Myabbe it'll just be spam. I don't ever really hear anybody talk about Knob Magazine anymore, so here the are. They'be been out of business for years so I don't think they're gonna sue me, but if you are about to sue me, let me know and I'll take this all down. The copywrite notices on the issues are all jokey so I can't tell who even owned any of this stuff when it was published. I put the issue date in as the title in case somebody wants to hunt down a copy for themselves. You just don't see stuff like this anymore.


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