

I'm hoping that pencilled in bit, definitey my dad's scrawl, was for some sort of omlete or other egg dish he was prepping for breakfast, but i got a real bad creepingfeeling that it ain't that. Well, one wya or antoher, those egg whiteswere getting pretty fujcking scarambled if you get me meaning. Also, back in the day,t ehre was no egg whites. There was no healthy (or racist) eating where it was whites only. Nah, everybody ate the whol3e fucking egg. Fuck, Rocky chugged half a dozen down like a shot of whiskey for breakfast. Ugh. Just got a little shiver thinking about those yokes sliding down, just lump afer lump hitting the back of your throat, making you make that glug glug glug sound, you know the one, you sick fuck. Maybe you don't, I don't know you. I do know this design works, heard if from a friend, hehe hehe he


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