

I duno if i'm feelin a lil sappy or what this week, but this one caught my eye. when i think about being single, i'm mnostly happy that i don't have tp pu tup with someobdy else's shit, i have aenugh of a problem dealing with my own ullshit, but evry now and again i think it would be ncie to have an ass around to grab, even if itwas onnacounta a misunderstanding. i'd prolly be the one loading the washer, tho, caue i can't cook for shit. 

tryin' ta come upw ith some thing a woman might misehar, causing her to grab my ween. i couldn't coem up with much. it's not like i say "grab my genus" or "why not slip a finger up my mutt while you know me". nothing works i theother direction, ya know?

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